While many are still enjoying all that spring has to offer, now is the time for homeowners to start looking ahead to summer. Summer comes with high temperatures that leave many feeling uncomfortable without fans or air conditioning. However, keeping your home cool can be an expensive task if things aren’t running as efficiently as possible.
That’s why, as your local experts in home inspections and identifying potential areas for improvement, we have compiled a list of tips to keep your home cool this summer, without your energy bills going through the roof.
1. Perform Air Conditioner Maintenance
First, before the weather takes a turn towards unbearable heat, now is the perfect time to ensure that your air conditioner is running smoothly. Hiring a technician to inspect your air conditioner for potential issues can save you from overheating in the summer when the issues begin to show themselves.
2. Ensure Home is Sealed
One way to lower your home’s efficiency is to allow the inside air to slip outside. Cooling the outside will leave your air conditioning systems running endlessly, increasing your energy consumption and costs while leaving you wondering why your home isn’t cooling down. To ensure this doesn’t happen, make sure that your home is sealed!
3. Use Fans or Open Windows
While the temperatures are moderate, hold off on turning on your air conditioner. When possible, open your windows to enjoy a nice breeze or utilize fans to create better air flow. If your home still doesn’t cool off enough for you to be comfortable, then you can always turn on the air conditioning!

4. Modify Your Appliance Usage
Many appliances give off heat while being used. For example, your oven and dryer will both give off plenty of heat while being used. To maximize your efficiency this summer, consider drying your clothes outside on a clothesline or switching to meals that allow you to enjoy the weather by grilling outside!
5. Close Your Blinds
Additionally, you can close your blinds to minimize the natural light entering your home. While you may think that darkening the house would decrease your efficiency by requiring interior lights to be turned on, the less natural light you have, the cooler your home should stay.
6. Schedule a Home Inspection
Finally, you can schedule a home inspection to identify any problems that may decrease the efficiency of your home this summer. Identifying problems early can save you money in repair costs as well as energy costs by ensuring that your home is ready for summer before the heat waves roll in. Give AmeriSpec a call today at 952-854-5110 or contact us to learn more about what we can do for you!