Licensed Radon Testing Minneapolis

If you’re familiar with the home buying or selling process, you’ve likely heard of radon testing. But are you aware of the importance of licensed radon testing for your Minneapolis property? That’s the distinction; licensed. If you want a reading that is detailed and accurate, it is important to hire the professionals. And, radon is not something to play around with. Radon is an odorless, tasteless, invisible and potentially deadly gas that can invade your home without your knowledge. It is the leading cause of lung cancer among non-smokers so knowing whether or not it’s a problem for your home is imperative to your health and your family’s health. Even if your neighbor’s home tested negative for radon, that does not mean your home is safe. Give us a call and give yourself peace of mind. We can come to your home and perform a professional and comprehensive radon test to see if this radioactive gas is a problem at your home.
And if you are putting your home on the market, radon testing is an important part of the home selling process. Licensed radon testing can give you the peace of mind you deserve that your home is safe for potential buyers. And if the radon testing shows radon is a problem, you can take the necessary radon mitigation steps to ensure your home has a better chance at selling.
Are you interested in learning more about hiring us for licensed radon testing? Just give us a call to learn more or to get on our schedule.
Radon Testing for Your Minneapolis Home
Did you know that currently, not enough Minnesotans are testing their homes for radon, despite the state having some of the highest average levels of this dangerous gas in the country? According to an analysis of data collected during a recent five-year period, only 1 percent of properties in Minnesota have been tested for radon. Yet that same data suggests that 2 in 5 homes in the state have a radon level of 4.0 picocuries per liter of air or higher. It has a lot to do with the geology in the soil here in Minnesota. Has your home been tested for radon?
Call on the experts at AmeriSpec home inspectors. We only use tests that are on the approved NRPP list. That way, you know that your test results are both valid and accurate.
No home is safe from radon. It does not matter what your house is made of, what kind of soil it sits on, whether or not it has a basement or even whether or not your neighbor’s home tested negative for radon. The only way to know for sure if your home is safe is to have professional radon testing done.
Contact us so we can answer any questions you have about this service and put you on our schedule as soon as possible. Get the peace of mind you deserve. Call us today to set up your licensed radon testing appointment.
Contact Us for Licensed Radon Testing
Do you need licensed radon testing in Minneapolis or the surrounding areas? Call AmeriSpec Home Inspection Service at 952-854-5110 or you can Contact Us.